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How witness statements can strengthen your accident claim

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

After a car accident in Virginia, gathering evidence to support your case is a key step. One of the most powerful pieces of evidence you can obtain is a witness statement. 

Explore why these statements are so helpful in strengthening your claim and how to obtain them.

Why witness statements matter

Firsthand accounts from people who saw the accident happen can provide an unbiased perspective on the events leading up to, during, and after the collision. This impartiality can lend credibility to your claim if the witness corroborates your version of events.

Witness statements could also provide additional details. Bystanders may notice things you missed or can’t remember due to the stress of the accident. These details can assist in reconstructing what happened.

Also, by describing how the accident occurred, witnesses can help identify who was at fault. This information is necessary when seeking compensation for your injuries and damages.

How to secure effective witness statements

To make the most of witness statements, start by collecting contact information at the scene. If possible, get the names and phone numbers of anyone who saw what happened. This allows you to follow up with them later.

Remember that memories fade over time, so it’s best to obtain statements as soon as possible after the accident. Also, ask witnesses to provide specific information about what they saw, including the time, location, weather conditions, and any actions they observed before and after the collision.

Proper documentation can go a long way toward strengthening these statements. This is especially true if the case goes to court, where there are strict standards on the acceptable types of evidence. Put a person’s version of events in writing, and get the date and signature. 

These accounts can provide supporting evidence to prove your case and help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Whenever possible, it is worthwhile to seek out witness statements after a motor vehicle accident.