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3 types of hidden injuries resulting from vehicle collisions

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2022 | Firm News |

Not all injuries sustained in a car accident are as obvious as broken bones or open wounds. Some wounds go undetected because large amounts of adrenaline mask the pain, allowing an injury to become worse.

Learn more about the symptoms of these hidden injuries and, if necessary, seek medical attention to prevent further damage.

1. Seatbelt injuries

Even though seatbelts can save lives in collisions, these safety devices may still cause trauma. In a high-impact crash, the seatbelt locks against the abdomen and chest to restrain passengers. The resulting injuries might not be noticeable for hours or days after the impact. Symptoms may appear gradually, including increased abdominal pain, difficulty breathing and low blood pressure. These symptoms may indicate spinal fractures, internal bleeding and organ damage.

2. Head injuries

Another symptom that may not appear immediately after a collision is a headache, which might indicate any of the following concerns:

  • Concussion
  • Whiplash
  • Upper spinal damage
  • Blood clots
  • Traumatic brain injury

In addition to a headache, dizziness, blurred vision and difficulty concentrating can signal head trauma and require immediate medical intervention.

3. Back injuries

In a car crash, energy from the colliding vehicles flows through the body on impact. This energy might cause bones to move, especially in the spine. Common back injuries include herniated discs, spinal stenosis and compressed nerves. Some conditions may start as a minor, unnoticeable misalignment but can worsen over time, leading to chronic back pain.

Watching for signs of hidden injuries allows accident victims to seek medical attention before the damage becomes a severe health concern.