Many drivers realize they must use caution when driving in inclement weather. Unfortunately, some Virginia roads may increase the accident risk for even the most cautious motorists, regardless of the conditions.
When planning your route, locating and preparing for these dangerous highways can protect your safety.
Interstate 64
Many trucks share the road with other vehicles traveling along I-64 from the East Coast to the Midwest. Stretches of mountainous roads can pose significant dangers when they wind, leaving insufficient room for truck drivers to attempt dangerous turns while moving at high speeds. As a result, accidents frequently involve truck rollovers, rear-end collisions and incidents with other smaller vehicles.
Interstate 77
Visibility problems are a leading cause of motor vehicle accidents on I-77 in the state. The Virginia Department of Transportation takes measures to address the intense fog caused by the mountains surrounding the highway, including:
- Posting lower speed limits
- Mounting easily visible electronic signs warning drivers about dangerous conditions
- Installing weather station technology to detect unsafe weather conditions
Interstate 81
Collisions on I-81 occur frequently due to numerous tracker trailers and smaller vehicles sharing the road. In addition, tight curves along a 13-mile stretch between Bells Road in the city of Richmond and Parham Road in Henrico County are especially challenging to navigate due to traffic congestion.
Route 460
This highway has one of the most significant fatality rates in the state. Running east to west across Virginia, the road’s tight S-curves running along the eastbound lanes are a source of frequent accidents. The Transportation Department proposes road straightening, but slow driving speeds are always advisable.
Another driver’s negligence may cause your injuries on any road, but holding the responsible party accountable can ensure you obtain the damages essential for your recovery.