Distracted driving is a serious threat to roadway safety, and research shows that motorists in Virginia have particular cause for concern. Virginia’s drivers are among the most distracted motorists in the United States. Driver distraction is also a leading cause of car crashes, injuries and road deaths statewide.
Per Alexandria Living, Virginia is the fifth-worst state in the nation in terms of the number of people who die within state lines due to distracted drivers. Also, more than a fifth of all fatal car wrecks in Virginia are the result of distracted driving.
Types of distracted driving
There are three main types of driver distraction: cognitive, visual and manual distraction. Certain common behind-the-wheel behaviors, such as texting and driving, involve all three types of driver distraction. This makes the behavior particularly hazardous. While texting is a common cause of crashes involving distracted driving, driver distraction may also occur when a driver uses in-vehicle electronics, converses with other passengers or eats or applies makeup while driving.
Common characteristics of distracted drivers
Statistics show that motorists who fall into a certain age group drive while distracted by cellphones more often than others. Also, cell phone-related distraction is the most common cause of driver distraction. Contrary to popular belief, teenage drivers are not always the worst offenders. Instead, research shows that drivers between the ages of 25 and 44 are most likely to drive while distracted.
Joining Virginia in the top five states for distracted drivers are New Mexico, New Jersey, Hawaii and Washington.