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3 Tips for avoiding rear-end collisions

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Even though many rear-end collisions are low-speed accidents, serious injuries can result. While the primary cause of most rear-end collisions is following too closely or driving while distracted, there are steps you can take to reduce your chance of being rear-ended.

These three tips can help you avoid being the victim of a rear-end accident.

1. Be aware of your surroundings

Check your mirrors frequently to spot drivers who are following too closely or not paying attention. Consider changing lanes or taking other measures to avoid these drivers if you can safely do so.

2. Avoid sudden stops

Making a sudden stop can increase your chance of being rear-ended. Leave plenty of distance between your car and the car in front of you. Drive at a safe speed. Avoid distractions, such as talking on your cell phone or texting. Watch for hazards in the distance, so that you can begin braking early, instead of slamming on the brakes.

3. Use your lights and make sure they work

Periodically check your brake, hazard and turn signal lights to make sure they work. Keep your foot on the brake pedal when stopping so that your car will be more visible to drivers behind you. Use your hazard lights if you need to stop or drive slowly because of a mechanical issue, weather or some other reason. Always use your blinkers when changing lanes or making a turn.

If a driver injures you in a rear-end collision, you may be able to collect damages. However, it is better to avoid collisions in the first place by practicing defensive driving.